Tuesday, June 26, 2007

been badgering...

...still flat out and with so much work to do at the moment. I haven't even had a chance to properly appreciate and moan endlessly to someone about the weather we're having... which has been absolutely crap, for those of you who read this blog from overseas and aren't experiencing, personally, the joy of living through the UK's 'Summer of 07', at the moment...

Well, with no spare time and, now, today, having spied myself blethering away on other blogs, I figured I should stop badgering people and go and put something on my own (one poor chap has had close to 2 letters dropped on his). Which is great except I can't think of much of interest to say. Of the 2 things that I can think of, one would be quite boring (to most folks) and the other is more a recent "oh shit" sort of life moment.

So for those of you with a
'Compu-Global-Hyper-Meganet' interest to all things computer'ish, you'll be pleased to hear I've bought some interesting software recently.

Basically, after years of clawing my way up the design ladder via various purchases & upgrade options, I've now gone and bought the 'Adobe CS3 Design Premium' package, which includes:

Photoshop CS3
Illustrator CS3 (for doing logos, cartoon work, page layout stuff)
Dreamweaver CS3 (web design software)
Flash CS3 (whizzy software software, for motion/video stuff you often see on the web)
Acrobat Professional (useful for, amongst other things, making multi-page .pdf's)
InDesign CS3 (never had this before - for making books, brochures - print / press program)

So that is all great, although when I said "bought it", I should probably really say I "VISA'd the moment".

I won't bleat on about it at the moment, except to say it is awesome kit and a fantastic feeling to have such full set of software and, frankly, nice to have it so close after its release date. I've been using pre-CS software for ages, so it is fun to catch up on that front.

Funny thing was after I'd ordered it, on the Saturday morning on which it was due to arrive, I had waited patiently by the door for it to arrive. Having got to 1 o'clock and needing some milk, with no sign of the disc, I decided "bugger it" and popped down the road to the shops.

As i'm leaving, I open the door and 'clunk' the parcel falls to the floor from where it had just been leaning on the door. So, great, a massively expensive box of software has just been sitting outside my front door, unattended, all morning. Annoying, since I
had been up since early on, waiting especially for the postman or any sign of him, with no radio or tv on, but you'd be kidding me if there was any friggin' knock or buzz at the door.

And, to add insult to injury, when I tested it, the box fitted through the mail slot anyway.

Funny ol' thing,
a week or so later, I ordered a new mouse online (which I like to call my "blue-tooth-moose", which, when said quickly, becomes "blue-tooth-mooth"... really, it seems funnier in real life). When it arrived, there's a buzz and an additional crisp knock at the door and a friendly, cheerful delivery dude is standing at the door, with my mooth... and to conclude the transaction, I had to sign his Star Trek autographer collector to boot...

Now, on the 2nd subject, I've having second thoughts about talking about the 'oh shit' moment, so might leave it and see how it pans out over the next couple of days...

picture to the right - has no relevance to this post, just a snap I took in Japan that I like (looks better if you click on it)...


Blogger Phil said...

Obviously I do want to hear about the 'oh shit' moment (as long as it's not a dull story about manure), but if you're looking for another topic to write about, my Big Sis is flying out to Japan for a couple of days next week en route to Australia, and wants to know where to go, what to see, who to eat, etc.

She's heading for Tokyo, and so far her itinerary basically consists of visiting scenes from 'Lost In Translation'. I think she could use some help.

11:55 am  

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