Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Otters and the Scientist...

Idly bumming around the Internet, there have been a couple of things that have caught my fancy recently...

Those who know me will have heard me bleat on about Otters at some time or other. I do kinda like the little fellas - even managing to have got bitten by one at a zoo once (who hasn't).

A friend of mine sent me the following link to the Otter section at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (I think he was inspired by my 'hen-cam' post the other day). Otters are highly intelligent animals and, in a broad sense, come in 2 varieties - one large & one small (with the small ones being the smarter ones). They are quite liked by humans because they're playful, intelligent, have an ability to learn, use their thumbs like we do and, astonishingly, seem to have a sense of humor.

One good example that I heard once was of an otter who had, over time, come to appreciate its owner's life pattern. It noticed how the owner always left the house in a rush at 8am, taking some shiny metal objects with them. In due course, it developed a great game where it would hide the shiny objects and, then, take quite obvious pleasure from watching the human being run around in a complete flap, trying to find the missing car keys. Cool - let's see a cat do that!

In another work-avoiding, procrastination-fuelled, hour-of-life-wasted amble around the Internet, I stumbled across the site of this retired scientist. Now, I've done a fair bit of travelling, but, after seeing this guy's list of countries that he's been too over his life, I realised I ain't seen nothing yet - check this out for a well-travelled American.

Not surprisingly, his world views are rather judicious and his personal dislike of Bush is pretty easy to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


isn't it about time you did another update?

You're audience out here is getting impatient ....


8:24 am  

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