and a Happy Australia Day to me...
I've borrowed a friends computer, but only for 48 hours. He said borrow it till the end of the weekend and I was like "Nah, it's alright, I only need it for
Of course, now that I've got it home, got it plugged into my network where I am happily accessing files on my PC, whilst having got myself comfortably propped up on my new bed (which was bought yesterday), listening to Bavarian Radio and revelling in the 21st century - he ain't got a shit show of getting this little monkey back before Monday and, even then, he'll be lucky.
Shit - hope he doesn't read this blog!
My own laptop went "Crap - BANG" a while ago, or, more accurately, "blink" - and a terminal 'blink' at that. Of course, this happened 5 days after the warranty expired, on a Tuesday - black Tuesday, as it is now referred to in my head.
So, 'Sputnik' (that's its name, my first laptop was 'Larry', as in 'Larry the Laptop') has sat under my kitchen sink for 6 weeks now - a 'Dominator X1' of Sony technology - all of a year & a week old, before it entered, of its own volition, a cryogenic state.
Actually, I phoned a company today who will fix it for 100 quid, which is waaaayyy better than what Uncle Sony would have spanked me for it. Nonetheless, its great to have a laptop for 48 hours and to be reminded what life was like - when I could go to cafes and do work, or, at least, just leave my desk.
Right - this bastard 'Office Assistant' is doing my tits in (you know the one, the smug paperclip with an inane lightbulb beside it) - gotta go and remember how to tell it to 'fark orf...'